
The business portfolio for Metrotec Egypt spans across a large number of water-related products, including but not limited to:

STS-Compliant Prepaid water meters (V2)

Best fit for controlling total water usage for residential and retail units within setups with larger number of admin offices (Crowd-Control operations)

STS-Compliant Prepaid water meters (V1)

Best fit for controlling total water usage for residential and retail units within compounds and resorts, with limited number of admin offices

Mechanical (Domestic) water meters (Sizes 0.5”, 0.75”, 1”, 1.25", 1.5", 2")

Best fit for measuring total water consumption for flats, small villas, small retail shops, etc.

Mechanical Bulk water meters (Sizes 3", 4", 6", 8", 10", 12", 16", 20”)

Best fit for measuring total water consumption for buildings, companies, factories, schools, hospitals, hotels, large villas, main supply of compounds)

Ultrasonic water meters (Sizes 2”, 2.5”, 3”, 4")

Best fit for measuring total water consumption with very high accuracy, in both low and high flow rate situations, and with any installation position

AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) enabled water meters

Best fit for automatically monitoring total water usage for large / unlimited areas with large number of admin offices, by having up-to-date water usage readings and statistics. It requires the usage of data transfer units and General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) to transfer the meter and water-usage data to the authorized admin offices.

EMS (Energy Management System) smart water meters

Best fit for automatically monitoring total water usage for large / unlimited areas with large number of admin offices, by having up-to-date water usage readings and statistics. It requires the usage of LORA WAN (LOw-power RAdio-frequency Wide Area Network) technology to transfer the meter and water-usage data to the authorized admin offices. LORA WAN technology is considered one of IOT (Internet Of Things) technologies that is spreading up rapidly all over the world.

Our Skills

2.2 Million

Production capacity


Production Automation Percent

20,000 m2

Factory + Facilities Area


No. of Clients

18 Years

Company Experience


No. of employees
AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) enabled water meters

Best fit for automatically monitoring total water usage for large / unlimited areas with large number of admin offices, by having up-to-date water usage readings and statistics. It requires the usage of pre-arranged infrastructure and underground cabling to transfer the meter and water-usage data to the authorized admin offices. This is normally applicable in smart cities.

Water Filters / Strainers

In addition to the built-in water filters that are available inside most of Metrotec Egypt water meters, it may be required in some situations to connect an external water filter also on the pipe before the water meter, due to the extreme non-clarity of flowing water. This helps the consumer get cleaner water, and helps the meter function most accurate. Metrotec Egypt has large variety of water filters / strainers, which fit all different situations.

Components & Fittings

Metrotec Egypt produces all components & fittings related to water meter manufacturing, including plastic & brass components needed for Metrotec industry plant and for supply to customers as spare parts, also threaded brass connectors for several nominal diameters of water meters, as well as the meter closing rings and its plastic cover, plastic sand filters, etc.

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